In chemiosmosis in mitochondria, protons flow from the intermembrane space

In chemiosmosis in mitochondria, protons flow from the intermembrane space

Dhafi Quiz

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In chemiosmosis in mitochondria, protons flow from the intermembrane space

This is a List of Available Answers Options :

  1. stroma into the cytosol
  2. stroma to the thylakoid space
  3. thylakoid space to the stroma
  4. intermembrane space to the stroma

The best answer is C. thylakoid space to the stroma.

Reported from teachers around the world. The correct answer to ❝In chemiosmosis in mitochondria, protons flow from the intermembrane space into the matrix, whereas in chemiosmosis in chloroplasts, protons flow from ❞ question is C. thylakoid space to the stroma.
I Recommend you to read the next question and answer, Namely Compared to C3 plants, C4 plants  with very accurate answers.

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Dhafi Quiz Is an online learning educational site to provide assistance and insight to students who are in the learning stage. they will be able to easily find answers to questions at school.We strive to publish Encyclopedia quizzes that are useful for students. All facilities here are 100% Free. Hopefully, Our site can be very useful for you. Thank you for visiting.

In chemiosmosis in mitochondria, protons flow from the intermembrane space

Dhafi Quiz

Find Answers To Your Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Easily at with Accurate Answer. >>

In chemiosmosis in mitochondria, protons flow from the intermembrane space

This is a List of Available Answers Options :

  1. the thylakoid space to the stoma
  2. the stoma to the thylakoid space
  3. the matrix into the stoma
  4. the stoma into the cytosol

The best answer is A. the thylakoid space to the stoma.

Reported from teachers around the world. The correct answer to ❝In chemiosmosis in mitochondria, protons flow from the intermembrane space into the matrix, whereas in chemiosmosis in a chloroplast, protons flow from __________❞ question is A. the thylakoid space to the stoma.
I Recommend you to read the next question and answer, Namely T or F: Photosynthesis is anabolic and cellular respiration is catabolic with very accurate answers.

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Dhafi Quiz Is an online learning educational site to provide assistance and insight to students who are in the learning stage. they will be able to easily find answers to questions at school.We strive to publish Encyclopedia quizzes that are useful for students. All facilities here are 100% Free. Hopefully, Our site can be very useful for you. Thank you for visiting.

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