Google data analytics capstone project Reddit

Hey all, noob question, I'm in my Junior Year of University going for an Animation degree. But I wanted to well round myself a bit more for the market and leave myself open to other gigs, my professors said I would make a great producer and or project lead after some Certificate? I also want to be able to social media manage myself and my peers, hence the data analytics portion.

I found a Project Lead and Data Analysis Course that Google is providing by Coursea for a Certificate (1 in each) their at your own pace with a final project they grade to see if you pass.

Does anyone have any Intel for me. Or if company's even hire based on these skill sets from a certificate?

Thanks in advance!

Is anyone taking the 8th course, the capstone project of Google Data Analytics? I need your kind help. The mean of the trip duration/ ride length, for casual, is giving me an enormous mean (3X than members). Am I doing something wrong or all of you got the same mean? Kindly help. Thanks for reading through my problem.

Mean in casual is enormous


I was looking at the certificate

and was wondering if someone did capstone project thorugh coursera and it might be possible to ask him some questions please

I'm currently working on my google capstone project and I feel like my SQL script is lacking but it's effective for my project. Every other post I see has a long, complex script whereas mine is fairly simple. I'm new to analytics and I didn't even know what SQL was before I started this journey. Should I try to make the script more complex or should I just go with what works? Thanks in advance.

I decided to choose an employee burnout study. Long story short, I'm a therapist wanting to transition into the Data Analytics field. I have been quite stuck on completing the Capstone Project.

I have several columns, but the only relevant ones are Gender, Company Type,. Work From Home Available, and Mental Fatigue Score.

Gender only has Male and Female (2 options). Work From Home has Yes or No (2 options). Company Type has Product and Service (2 options). And Mental Fatigue Score has numerical values of 0 to 10.

Male, Product, Work from Home (NO)

- Then break these into 10 different categories utilizing Mental Fatigue Score from 0 to 1, then 1 to 2, etc...

Does anyone know the correct script I could utilize to filter this in R? I know R has a filter function, but I want to understand how to use code to complete this step.


Having trouble coming up with case study project for Google Data Analytics Certificate Capstone. Any recommendations? from dataanalysis

I'm wondering if anyone here have done the google data analyst capstone project? The data that was provided for me in the scenario is 12 months worth of data and I was provided instructions to process the data first through google sheets or excel. But the problem is that google sheets can't handle the amount of data that was provided to me and ends up crashing on me.

Would anyone have an idea on how I can work around this? I don't own excel either but the goal of this step was to create a new column to calculate the ride time difference to minute and seconds plus create an additional column that identifies the day of the week. Thank you for your input in advance.

After taking the Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate course, I finally finished my first case study (the capstone project for the course)! I used SQL and Excel for the project and published on Medium. If you're interested you can find it here - //

I'm open to feedback (especially since I can make edits and changes). Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!

I'm at my wits' end trying to get this extremely large dataset uploaded anywhere!

First off, I followed the first few steps of adding the ride length and day of week columns to each month's spreadsheet. I wanted to use SQL, but I can only upload one file at a time to BigQuery. I used command line to get all 12 months into one file. That file was too big.

So then I tried RStudio. Well, there's no R Notebook option in the desktop version, so I'm trying on RStudio Cloud. I compressed the 12 files into a zip so it could be uploaded. I was trying to use the read_csv function to get each month's sheet available for me. I got to my seventh of twelve files and it crashed on me. I tried again and it's the same thing.

I'm starting to feel discouraged and, frankly, kind of dumb. Why can't I even get the data uploaded anywhere to properly clean and analyze? I know I'm not the only one with this problem, but I also know others have completed this case study.

I'm not looking for someone to spoon feed me the answers; I'm perfectly willing to do the work and was looking forward to the challenge. I just need a nudge in the right direction so I can actually DO something. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Edited an oopsie as I was stressed and not paying as much attention as I should have while typing this.

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