Which of the following statements is correct about meiosis?

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Find the correct match <br> `{:((a),"Anaphase I",(i),"Splitting of the centromere",),((b),"Anaphase II",(ii),"Recombinase",),((c),"Pachytene",(iii),"Sister chromatids associated at their centromeres",),((d),"Diakinesis",(iv),"Chromosomes aligned on the equatorial plate",),(,,(v),"Nucleolus disappears",):}`

Which of the following statements is/are correct?A Meiosis involves two sequential cycles of each event, i.e., DNA replication and nuclear division.B Meiosis involves pairing of homologous chromosomes and recombination between them.C Four haploid cells are formed at the end of meiosis I.D Meiosis ensures the production of haploid phase in the life cycle of sexually reproducing organisms.

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Which of the following statements is NOT correct about meiosis?

Meiosis involves one duplication of chromosomes.

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Meiosis requires two divisions.

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The four daughter cells have one of each pair of chromosome.

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The four daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

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