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From: Basic psychological need theory: Advancements, critical themes, and future directions

  Key concept Theme
Issue 1 (February, 2020)   
1. Bagheri and Milyavskaya Novelty-variety Need candidate
2. Warburton, Wang, Bartholomew, Tuff, and Bishop Need profiles Dark side
3. Benita, Benis-Weisman, Matos, and Torres Emotion regulation Universality
4. Waterschoot, Van der Kaap-Deeder, and Vansteenkiste Attentional bias Dark side
5. Holding, St-Jacques, Verner-Filion, Kachanoff, and Koestner Need sacrificing Dark side
6. Martela and Ryan Beneficence Need candidate
7. Wüttke Political engagement Need-relevant conditions
8. Lee and Reeve Brain morphometry Definitional criteria needs
Issue 2 (April, 2020)   
9. Assor, Soenens, Yitshaki, Geifman, Olshtein, and Ezra Identity development Need-relevant conditions
10. Rouse, Turner, Siddall, Schmid, Standage, and Bilzon Need profiles Dark side
11. Selvi and Bozo Drive for muscularity Dark side
12. Uysal, Aykutoglu, and Ascig Sleep and cholestorol Physical needs
13. Vahlstein, Mutter, Oettingen, and Gollwitzer Obsessive thinking Dark side
14. Prentice, Jayawickreme, and Fleeson Morality Need candidate
15. Van Egmond, Omarshah, Berges, Benton, Zalira, and Morrell Resource scarcity Physical needs
16. Vermote, Aelterman, Beyers, Aper, Buysschaert, and Vansteenkiste Circumplex model Need-relevant conditions
17. González-Cutre, Romero-Elias, Jiménez-Loaisa, Beltrán-Carrillo, and Hagger Novelty Need candidate
18. Wörtler, Van Yperen, and Barelds Need strength Universality
19. Baker, Watlington, and Knee Rapport Need-relevant conditions