Como comparar tres valores com f

Page 2

ciego, -ga, adj., blind. cielo, m., sky, heaven; cielos,

heavens. cien, adj. num., an hundred. ciencia, f., knowledge, learning. ciento, adj. num., an hundred. cientos, m. pl., picquet. cierto, -ta, adj., certain, a cer

tain; assured, true, sure; fixed, established; por cierto,

adv., surely, certainly. cifrar, v. a., to figure, to express

in figures; cifrar su ventura en, to build one's happiness

on. I. 3. 109. cinco, adj. num., five. ciudad, f., city. civil, adj., civil, pertaining to

the state; low, common. I. 1.

168. claramente, adv., clearly, dis

tinctly. claro, -ra, adj., clear, bright,

distinct, evident. clerigón, m., priest. cobarde, adj., cowardly. cobardía, f., cowardice. cobrar, v. a., to recover, to re

ceive, to regain; to acquire, to gain; to obtain, to draw (money); cobrar amor para,

to fall in love with. coche, m., coach, carriage. codicia, f., avarice. codiciar, v. a., to covet, to desire,

to long for. coger, v. a., to seize, to over

take, to surprise; to grasp;

to gather, to reap. cola, f., tail, train; á la cola,

I. 2. 5. close behind. colegir, v. a., to deduce, to con

clude; to suspect. cólera, f., wrath, anger. colgar, v. a. and n., to hang. colmado, -da, adj., filled, full;

heaped, overflowing; richly

filled, adorned. comedia, f., comedy, play. comenzar, v. a. and n., to begin. comer, v. a., to eat. comisión, f., commission, er

rand. como, adv., as, so; almost; like. como, conj., if, as if, as. ¿cómo? adv. int., how, why. cómo, m., the ways and means.

1. 1. 234; the manner, the

how. cómodo, M.,


compañía, f., company. comparar, v. a., to compare. compasión, f., mercy, compas

sion, pity. competidor, m., competitor, ri

val. competir, v. n., to compete, to

play the rival; to rival. comprar, v. d., to buy. comprobar, v. a., to confirm, to

prove. comunicación, f., communica.

tion; intercourse.

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contento, -ta, adj., contented; 10. 11; corre por mi cuenta, pleased, satisfied.

belongs to me, pertains to me, contera, f., the button or knob is my own; stands to my ac

at the cascabel of a cannon; count (i.e. is mine to give. I. the button at the back of a

5. 35). coat. Cf. note to I. 2. 6. corresponder, v. n., to contigo, prep. and pron., with respond, to fit, to agree; to thee, with you.

return (love), to reciprocate. contingencia,f., jeopardy, peril; corresponsal, m., correspondent. uncertainty.

corrido, -da, adj., abashed; emcontra, prep., against, towards.

barassed. II. 14. 23. contradecir, v. a., to dispute, to corriente, f., current, stream.

contradict, to contest. II. 13. cortar, v. a., to cut, to cut off ; 46; III. 14. 4.

to cut short; to restrain. contraria, f., opponent, adver corte, f., court. (The word is sary.

used as a title of honour by a contribuir, v. a., to contribute. number of cities in Spain, convenir, v. n., to be suitable, to and in modern Spanish often be fitting, to be proper.

means simply city or town.) convento, m., convent.

cortés, adj., courteous, polite. conversación, f., conversation; cortesano, -na, adj., courteous.

subject or topic of conversa cortesía, f., courtesy; good tion.

breeding. convertir, v. a., to change, to corto, -ta, adj., short; bashful; convert.

en lo corto, in the matter of convidada, f., guest.

bashfulness. III. 5. 19. convidado, m., guest.

cosa, f., thing; matter. convidar, v. a., to invite.

cosquillas, f. pl., tickling; con copia, f., copy.

cosquillas, capable of being coral, m., coral.

tickled, excited. I. 7. 20. corazón, m., heart.

cosquilloso, -sa, adj., ticklish. corcho, m., cork.

costa, f., price; cost; á costa corito, m., Spanish Basque.

de, at the price of, cost of. coronista, m., chronicler.

costar, v. a., to cost. correo, m., post, mail.

coyuntura, f., opportunity, cir correr, v. n., to run, to flow; to cumstance. circulate, to be current. II.

coz, f., kick.

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esperar, v. a., to hope;

await; to expect; esperarse,

v. refl., to wait. espíritu, m., soul, spirit. esplén, m., spleen. Espolón, n. pr. m. esposa, f., wife. esposo, m.,

husband. estado, m., estate, state, con

dition, rank, position; tomar estado, to marry, to be married; poner en estado, to

marry, to give in marriage. estampa, f., engraving, picture. estar, v. aux., to be; estar bien

á, to please, to suit. este, esta, esto, pr. dem., this. estilo, m., style, manner; kind. estima, f., respect, esteem. estimar, v. a., to esteem, to

prize. estómago, m., stomach. estorbar, v. a., to disturb, to in

terfere with, to hinder. estorbo, m., disturbance, hin

drance. estotro, estotra, adj., this other. estrago, m., destruction. estribo, m., foot-board, carriage

step. estudiar, v. a. and n., to study. estudio, m., study. et cætera, etc., et cétera, etc. eterno, -na, adj., eternal, ever

lasting. examinar, v. a., to prove; to

examine; to inquire.

excelente, adj., excellent, excel

lently. excusado, -da, adj., superfluous;

useless; supererogatory. excusa, f., excuse. excusar, v. a., to excuse;

avoid, to cease from, to præ

termit. II. 2. 16. experimentar, v.

a., to make proof of, to try; to experience,

to feel. expositor, m., expounder, ex

positor. extraño, -ña, adj., strange, unus

ual. extraordinario, -ria, adj., ex

traordinary, unusual. extremado, -da, adj., dis

tinguished, exquisite. I. 8. 96; most fortunate, most happy.

III. 21. 4. extremarse, v. refl., to surpass

one's self. extremo, adj., -ma, extreme; en

extremo, adv., in the extreme,

extremely. extremo, m., extreme; last end,

highest degree. I. 3. 42; of expression, II. 5. II, of protestation, II. 18. 23; de loca,

fábula, f., fable. facilitar, v. a., to facilitate, to

make easy; to assist. fácilmente, adv., easily,

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idolatrado,-da, adj., worshiped,

idolized, adored. ignorar, v. a., not to know, to

be ignorant of. igual, adj., equal; like; cosa

igual, such a thing; ¿hay cosa igual ? can such a thing be? can it be? sus iguales, her like; her peers; her com

panions. II. 6. 26. igualar, v. a., to make equal,

make equivalent; to hold, to

consider equal; to balance. ilustrar, v. a., to adorn, to dec

orate, to make illustrious ;

to illustrate. [production. imagen, f., image, portrait; reimaginar, v. n., to imagine. imán, m., magnet, loadstone. imitador, -dora, adj., imitating,

mimicking, one that mimics. imitar, v. a., to imitate. impedir, v. a., to hinder, to

prevent. importar, v. n., to matter, to be

of importance; to be of weight, to be of account; to interest; con importarnos la vida, though our lives be at stake.

imputar, v. d., to impute to, to

ascribe to, to accuse of. inadvertido, -da, adj., rash,

hasty, careless, inconsiderate. incentivo, m., incentive, urging. inclinación, f., inclination, will,

wish ; affection. inclinar, v.a., to move, to touch;

to influence; (of clothes) to affect (the personal appearance); cómo te inclina, how it makes you look. III. 7.

138. inconstante, m., fickle, faith

less. inconveniente, m., hindrance,

obstacle; inconvenience. indicio, m., sign, indication. indigno, -na, adj., unworthy. industria, f., scheme, stratagem. infamar, v. a., to stain, to dis

grace. infame, adj., infamous, base,

disgraceful. infeliz, adj., unfortunate, un

happy. infiel, adj., faithless. infinito, -ta, adj., infinite. informarse, v. refl., to inform

one's self, to inquire. ingenio, m., genius; wit, gift of

invention; stratagem. ingenioso, -sa, adj., ingenious,

well-devised, well-conceived. inglés, m., Englishman. ingratitud, f., ingratitude, faith


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mar, m., sea. maraña, f., tangle, confusion;

complication. marañoso, -sa, adj., tricky. maravilla, f., marvel, wonder. marfil, m., ivory. marido, m., husband; palabra

de marido, promise of mar

riage. Cf. palabra. mármol, m., marble. marqués, m., marquess. Martes, n. pr. m., Mars. martirizar, v. a., to torture, to

maldición, f., curse. maldito, -ta, adj., cursed, ac

cursed. malgesi, m., wizard. Cf. note

to II. 20. 6. malicia, f., malice; wickedness. malo, -la, adj., ill, sick; bad,

wicked; ¡malos años ! interj.,

whew! III. 3. 14. malo, adv., ill, badly. malograr, v. a., to thwart; ma

lograr, v. n., to miscarry. malogrado, -da, adj., ill-fated;

also mal lograda. III. 1. 96. malogro, m., failure, miscarriage. malparir, v. a., to miscarry, to

give premature birth to. mandar, v. a., to send, to order. manera, f., manner; way; de

tal manera, of such a kind,

so, so that, to such an extent. manido, -da, adj., tender. manifestar, v. a., to manifest,

to declare. manjar, m., dish, food. mano, f., hand. manso, -sa, adj., gentle, submis

sive. manto, m., veil; a long black

shawl-like veil, usually of silk, much worn as a head cover

ing by Spanish women. Manzanares, n. pr. m. mañana, f., morning; as adv.,

to-morrow. máquina, f., fiction, fabrication,


mas, conj., but. más, adv., more; por más que, however much; por más cruel

que, however cruel, etc. más, adj., most, the most; lo

más, the greater part; los

más, the greater number. matar, v. a., to kill. matemático, m., mathematician. Doña Mayor, n. pr. f. mayorazgo, m., estate, entail;

inheritance. mayordomo, m., steward, major

domo. maza, f., club; block. me, pr. pers., cf. yo. mecer, v. a., to rock, to shake. medianero, m.,

mediator, gobetween. á medias, adv., half, half-way. médico, m., physician. médico, -ca, adj., medical. medio, -dia, adj., half.

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mundo, m., world. murmurar, v. n., to murmur. murta, f., myrtle, myrtleberry. música, f., music. músico, m., musician. muy, adv., very, very much.

nacer, v. n., to be born; nacido,

-da, past part., born; bien na

cido, well born, of good family. nada, adv., nothing, anything. nadie, pron., nobody, anybody. Narciso, n. pr. m., Narcissus. natural, adj., real, honest, un

feigned. naturaleza, f., nature. necedad, f., foolishness, stupid

ity. necio, -cia, adj., foolish, silly;

thoughtless, incautious; stupid; in direct address, necio,

you fool. III. 23. 8. negar, v. a., to deny. negociar, v. n., to negotiate, to

treat; to arrange, to settle.

Cf. note to I. 3. 84. negocio, m., affair, matter, busi

niña, f., child, darling. niño, m., child; boy. no, adv., not. ino! interj., no; as subst., el no.

II. 8. 26. noble, adj., noble. nobleza, f., nobility; noble birth. noche, f., night; de noche, at

night, by night; esta noche,

to-night. nombrar, v. a., to name; to

speak of, to mention; nombrarse, v. refl., to call one's self, to be named, to have a

name. III. 18. 22. nombre, m., name. non, adj., uneven, odd; pl., no

nes (the repetition of the negative, insistent decisive negative), no, no. III. 2. 68. Cf.

note. nos, pron. pers. Ist pers. pl., we,

us, to us. notable, adj., notable, remark

able; strange, unusual. noticia, f., information, news. novedad, f., novelty; change;

surprise; unexpected turn (of

events). novia, f., bride. nuestro, -tra, adj. poss., our. nueva, f., news, piece of in

formation. II. 11. 4; usually

nuevas, f. pl., news. nueve, adj. num.,

nine. nuevo, -va, adj., new; additional;

newly arrived.

ni, conj., not; ni ... ni, neither

nido, m., nest. ningún, adj. (before masculine

nouns) no one, none. ninguno, -na, adj., no one, no,

none, nobody,

Page 8

pesar, v. N., to weigh; to be pluma, f., feather.

heavy, to be of weight; im pobre, adj., poor. personal, to grieve, to be poco, adv., little, a little. sorry, to regret; a pesar de,

poco, -ca, adj., few, little. in spite of.

poder, m., power. pescado, m., fish.

poder, v. n., to be able; mucho pez, m., fish.

han de poder conmigo, shall picar, v. a., to pick at; to prick, have much weight with me.

to bite, to burn. pie, m., foot; con buen pie, poeta, m., poet. with good luck.

polla, f., a game of cards. pimienta, f., pepper.

ponderar, v. a., to weigh, to pinciano, -na, adj., of or per consider, to estimate. taining to Valladolid.

poner, v. a., to place, to put; to pincel, m., brush.

set; to lay; to put on (as pío, pía, adj., kind.

clothes), to give. I. 5. 54; pirata, m., pirate.

poner ante la justicia, to pisar, v. a., to tread upen, to bring to trial. II. 1. 72; po

ner en paz, to set at peace. I. pitanza, f., wages, pittance.

v. refl., ponerse, to placer, m., pleasure.

put on (of clothes); ponerse plata, f., silver; plata que de camino, to dress for a

brada, broken plate, battered journey. II. 1. 152. plate; small change. Cf. note por, prep., for; to; in order to, to III. 2. 62.

because, on account of; in, plato, m., dish.

during; for the sake of, in plática, f., conversation, dia the name of; with, through, logue.

by means of; for, in behalf plaza, f., public place, public of; through, by way of; as, square.

as to, as for; concerning; by, plazo, m., term; fixed, set time, past; por más que, however; delay.

por si, on the chance that. pleiteante, m., suitor, client. porfía, f., persistence, deterpliego, m., sheet of paper, en mination.

velope; pliego de cartas, porfiar, v. n., to persist. packet of letters.

porque, conj., because, for, in plomo, m., lead.

order that.

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sosiego, m., peace, quiet, conso

lation. sospecha, f., suspicion, distrust;

indication. II. 1. 143. sospechar, v. a., to suspect. sospechoso,-sa, adj., suspicious,

doubtful; of doubtful origin.

sinó, conj., if not. sinrazón, f., wrong, injustice. siquiera, conj., at least, if only. soberbio, -bia, adj., proud. sobrado, -da, adj., left over; too

good. sobrar, v. n., to more than suf

fice, to be more than suf

ficient. sobras, f. pl., leavings, frag

ments of a meal. sobrenombre, m., surname. sobresalto, m., fright, shock. sobrescrito, m., superscription,

direction. sol, m., sun. solamente, adv., only, al solar, m., casa de solar, original

home, hereditary seat of a

noble house. III. 8. 9. solene, adj., solemn; brilliant,

magnificent. soler, v. n., to be wont to do,

to be accustomed to do, to do usually.

[solicit. solicitar, v. a., to court, to solo, -la, adj., alone, only; á

solas, adv., alone. sólo, adv., only, alone. soltar, v. a., to release, to set

free, to let go. sombra, f., shade, shadow. sombrero, m., hat. sonar, v. n., to sound. sosegar, v. n., to repose, to rest,

to sleep; v. a., to quiet, to still,

sotanilla, f., short cassock,

jacket. su, adj., poss., his, her, its, their. subir, v. n., subirse, v. refl., to

mount, to go up. suceder, v. n., to happen. suceso, m., happening, occur

rence, result, adventure; mat

ter, circumstance. sucesora, f., heir (used of a

daughter). II. 11. 6. suelo, m., floor, ground. sueño, m.,

dream, sleep. suerte, f., kind, nature, fate,

fortune; de suerte, such, of such a kind. III. 7. 132; de suerte que, so that; desta suerte, after this wise, after this manner. I. 8. 147; mucha suerte, great good fortune.

II. 14. 21. suma, f., sum, mass. III. 1. 52;

en suma, briefly, in a word.

III. 1. 10. Santa Susana, n. pr. f., Saint

Susan. suspenso, -sa, adj., in suspense,

in doubt. suspirar, v. n., to sigh,

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velar, v. a., to watch. vencer, v. a., to overcome, to

conquer. vender, v. a., to sell. venderse, v. refl., to pass one's

self off. II. 5. 110. veneno, m., poison. venganza, f., vengeance. vengar, v. a., to avenge. vengarse, v. refl., to take ven

geance, to be avenged. venir, v. n., to come, to become,

III. 16. 4. ventana, f., window. ventura, f., happiness, good

fortune; por ventura, by

chance, perchance. Venus, n. pr. f. ver, v. a., to see, to behold. veras, f. pl., truth, reality;

eagerness; con tantas veras,

so eagerly, so earnestly. verdad, f., truth. verdadero, -ra, adj., true, real. verde, adj., green, fresh, vig

ourous. III. 2. 28. verde, m., darse un verde, to

take an outing. verdugo, m., hangman, exe

cutioner. vestido, m., costume, garment. vestir, v. a., to clothe. vez, f., time (distributive); en

vez de, instead of. vicio, m., vice, wickedness. vid, f., grape. vida, f., life.

viejo, -ja, adj., old; el viejo,

the old man; vieja de honor,

companion, maid of honour. viento, m., wind. viernes, m., Friday. vil, adj., low, base-born. villancico, m., Christmas carol. villano,-na, adj., base, shameful. vira, f., arrow, dart. virtud, f., virtue; en virtud de,

by virtue of. visita, f., visit. visitar, v. a., to visit. [sight of. vista, f., sight; á vista de, in Vitoria, n. pr. f. vitreo, ea, adj., glassy. vitorioso, -sa, adj., victorious. vituperio, m., shame, disgrace. vivir, v. n., to live. vivo, -va, adj., living, alive. Vizcaino, -na, adj. pr., Basque. volar, to fly, to flutter. voluntad, f., will, wish, desire. volver, v. n., to return, to turn

back; volverse, v. refl., to return to, to do over again, to turn into, to be changed into,

to become once more. voto, m., vow. voz, f., voice, report, rumour;

name; corre la voz, as report says; á voces, loudly; dar

voces, to cry out, to call. vuelco, m.,

thrill. vuelta, f., turn; dar la vuelta,

to turn about. vuesarced, you; cf. merced.

Page 11

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Italian Terts Amicis : Cuore. Abridged, and edited with notes, by OscAR KUHNS,

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